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Global annual funding for research on diseases with a pandemic potential

Total number of grants and US dollars committed for each disease

Hide COVID-19

Please note: Grants may fall under more than one disease. Funding amounts are included only when they have been published by the funder and are included within the year of the grant award start date.

Global Distribution of Grants by Research Area

The chart shows the total amount of funding allocated for different research areas for all diseases. Use filters on the left for advanced filtering depending on your interests. Use the 'View sub-categories' buttons to explore the sub-categories.

Pathogen: natural history, transmission and diagnostics



Animal and environmental research and research on diseases vectors



Epidemiological studies



Clinical characterisation and management



Infection prevention and control



Therapeutics research, development and implementation



Vaccines research, development and implementation



Research to inform ethical issues



Policies for public health, disease control & community resilience



Secondary impacts of disease, response & control measures



Health Systems Research



Research on Capacity Strengthening



Please note: Grants may fall under more than one research category, and funding amounts are included only when they have been published by the funder.

Global Map of Geographical Distribution of Funding Organisations OR Research Locations

The information on the research location was collected where available from the grant application, and can be different to the location of research institution.


WHO Regions

Please note: Funding amounts are included only when they have been published by the funder. Some research projects are undertaken in multiple locations (countries) and some are funded by multiple funders. Where research location is not explicitly specified the default used is the location of the research institution receiving the funds.

Regional Distribution of Funding by Research Areas

Each research category is shown in a different colour

All Research Categories

Please note: Grants may fall under more than one research category, and funding amounts are included only when they have been published by the funder.

Regional Flow of Research Grants

The chart illustrates the flow of research grants by region, tracing it from funder to research institution and ultimately to the location where the research is conducted.

If the full chart is not visible, please scroll horizontally to view.

No Data.

Please note: Funding amounts are included only when they have been published by the funder. Some research projects are undertaken in multiple locations (countries). Where research location is not explicitly specified the default used is the location of the research institution receiving the funds.